Pay Bills is used to select vendor bills and credit memos previously entered in the Bill screen for payment. On completion of the Pay Bills process, a vendor payment document has been created.
The checks created from Pay Bills reduce the balances owed to vendors. Only documents entered in Bill or checks created in Pay Bills can increase or decrease vendor balances.
Checks paid to vendors in Check immediately reduce the balance of a bank account but do affect vendor balances.
To pay bills, complete the following steps:
Access the Pay Bills application from the Financial/Accounts Payable menu.
Select the AP Account that holds the bills that you wish to pay. The Company Setup, Default AP Account will default in the screen.
Select the payment method.
Choose the bank account from which the bills will be paid.
The Bills Due By filter will default to the current business date. You can reduce the list of open items by entering a different date in Bills Due By. Only those bills and credits that are due on or before the entered date will be displayed.
Click on a bill transactions line and the amount due will automatically fill in. You can override the Pay Amount. If you enter a Discount Amount, the Pay Amount will be adjusted by the discount.
Leave the Pay Amount blank if you do not want the bill to be include in a vendor payment.
Click the Generate Payments button and create the bill payment records. Bills will be summarized by Vendor. If you want to pay a bill separately, enter a Pay Amount for the single bill and generate the single payment.
Go to Print Checks to print the vendor payments that you have generated.
Last updated