
Currency is used to view and edit all currencies that you have entered.

  1. Active denotes whether the currency is active. Inactive currencies cannot be assigned to documents. Currencies that are assigned to open accounts receivable transactions cannot be made inactive.

  2. Currency is the unique identifier associated with a type of currency.

  3. Description is a textual explanation of the currency.

  4. Realized gain and loss transactions are associated with customer payments in Customer Payments, and are used to adjust the change in the base value of a document between invoice and payment time.

    • Realized Gain Account is the default account that is used when posting realized currency gains to the general ledger account balances.

    • Realized Gain Class is the default class that is used when posting realized currency gain transactions to the general ledger account balances.

    • Realized Loss Account Realized Loss Account is the default account that is used when posting realized currency losses to the general ledger account balances.

    • Realized Loss Class is the default class that is used when posting realized currency loss transactions to the general ledger account balances.

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