Use Check when you have an expense invoice that you want to enter and pay at the same time. The check can be one that was handwritten and needs to be recorded or one that you wish to print. If you want to enter vendor invoices and memos to be paid at some later date, use Bill and select them for payment later with the Pay Bills application.
Checks do not update vendor open balances or AP accounts as they immediately reduce the balance of one of your bank accounts and increase expense accounts. Only documents entered in Bill or checks generated in Pay Bills and printed in Print Checks can increase or decrease vendor balances.
You may also void checks in the Checks application.
To enter a check, complete the following steps:
Access the Checks application from the Financial/Cash Manager menu and click on New in the Checks List screen to enter a new transaction.
Type will default to "Check" and you just need to press Tab.
Select the name of the person you wish to pay in the Pay To field and press Tab. As you enter a Pay To in the Type-Thru drop box, the system will find the best match. You can also click on the down arrow at the right of the drop box to display the full list of pay to names. Scroll down the list until you find the desired name and click to retrieve it for the check.
Select a Bank Account from which to issue the payment and press Tab. As you enter a Bank Account in the Type-Thru drop box, the system will find the best match. You can also click on the down arrow at the right of the drop box to display the full list of bank accounts. Scroll down the list until you find the desired bank account and click to retrieve it for the check.
Optionally, you may enter a Class, Purchase Order number, Reference Number or Description of the reason for the check that will provide information to other system users.
Check the Print box if you wish to print a system check.
Optionally, you may select a Class or enter additional notes about the bill in the Notes tab.
By default, Active will be checked. If you uncheck the Active field, the check will not update the account balance or have any impact on your company's financials and the check will not be available for printing in the Print Checks application.
Fill in the check detail lines. You must select an Account and enter an Amount. Enter as many transactions lines as you need.
Optionally, you may select a Class, 1099 Box, the pay to related invoice number and date, or enter descriptive text for each transaction in the Memo field.
To void a check, complete the following steps:
Access the Checks application from the Financial/Cash Manager menu and click on Edit for the check in the Checks List screen that you wish to void.
Click on the Void button in the Checks edit window.
You will be prompted to confirm the voiding of the check. Click on 'OK' to complete the void.
Hit the Refresh button and the Type will display as "Void Check" and if the check had not been printed, the check number will be renumbered to reflect the next void check sequential number.
Last updated