Pick Lists

Use Pick Lists to create and edit list tables and list table values used throughout the system to assign attributes, classifications or categorization to transactions, relationships and other entities.

Use the filter bar to locates a specific list and click Edit to open the list and edit the list values.

Below is a listing of the standard system lists:

  1. Address Type - Categories of address such as ship to, bill to, or remit to

  2. Bank Fees - Categories of fees that appear on bank statements, such as interest earned, service charge or finance charge

  3. Competitor Types - Categories of competitive products or companies in your industry

  4. Contact Type - Categories of contacts such as billing, tech support, sales

  5. Countries - List of countries for validation of address entry

  6. Customer Messages - Informative text to be printed on customer invoices that may include reminders such as when payments are due or appreciation for the customer's business

  7. Customer Types - Categories of customer such as industry or market

  8. Email Message - Messages that will be included in email communications with the customer.

  9. Employee Type - Categories of customers such as pay type or department

  10. Invoice Delivery Method - Indicates how the customer will receive invoicing

  11. Item Category - Categories for organizing or classifying inventory such as by market

  12. Item Type - Types of items, such as service, stocked, or non-stocked that have different accounting and inventory processing requirements

  13. Language - A list of languages supported by the system

  14. Manufacturer Type - Categories of manufacturers such as auto or tech

  15. Note Type - Categories of notes such as billing, sales, marketing

  16. Other Name Type - Categories of entities that do not fit within the typical customer, vendor, partner classification

  17. Partner Type - Categories of partners that you may do business with such as re-seller or distributor

  18. Payment Method - Types of payments received from customers such as wire, checks or credit card

  19. Postal Code - A listing of zip codes for validating address entry

  20. Priority - Categories of importance to be assigned to Tasks

  21. Product Line - Categories of groups of products sold together under a single brand by your company

  22. Prospect Type - Categories of potential customers

  23. Sale Source - A list of possible origins of a sale such as conference, referral, or advertisement

  24. Sale Stage - Categories of the sales cycle such as discovery, negotiating or quoting

  25. Sale Type - Categories of sale such as new, maintenance, up-sell or cross-sell

  26. Salesperson Type - Categories of sales teams such as new customer acquisition or customer success

  27. Script Category - Categories of scripts such as reporting, lists or printing

  28. Shipping Method - A list of modes of transportation for shipping and receiving goods

  29. State Province - A listing of states or provinces for validating address entry

  30. Tax Form Line - A list of unique identifies of lines on IRS tax forms

  31. Vendor Type - Categories of vendors such as office supplies, professional or technical

Last updated