
Fields Filter

A fields filter specifies properties (fields) to include or exclude from the results.


Order Filter

/api/account/?filter={"order": "accountid"}

Where Filter

/api/relationship/?filter={"where":{"relationship":"Smith Co"}}






Logical AND operator.


Logical OR operator.

gt, gte

Numerical greater than (>); greater than or equal (>=). Valid only for numerical and date values.

lt, lte

Numerical less than (<); less than or equal (<=). Valid only for numerical and date values.


True if the value is between the two specified values: greater than or equal to first value and less than or equal to second value.

inq, nin

In / not in an array of values.


For geolocations, return the closest points, sorted in order of distance. Use with limit to return the n closest points.


Not equal (!=)

like, nlike

LIKE / NOT LIKE operators for use with regular expressions. The regular expression format depends on the backend data source.

like, nlike, options: i

LIKE / NOT LIKE operators for use with regular expressions with the case insensitive flag. It is supported by the memory and MongoDB connectors. The options property set to ā€˜iā€™ tells LoopBack that it should do case-insensitive matching on the required property.

Limit Filter

/api/relationship/?filter={"where":{"relationship":"Smith Co"},"limit": 50}

Last updated